






【英文介绍/For English】:

Does Kunlun Shrine Eat Sin Balu Really Exist?

1. In "Kunlun Shrine", the sin-eating Baru does not exist. It is a kind of hell hungry ghost in the Tibetan reincarnation sect, which was killed by Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang together.

2. The reincarnation sect uses sin-eating Baru to punish those who are considered evil by the reincarnation sect. Because the reincarnation sect itself is evil, the sin-eating baru has also become the embodiment of evil.

3. After the extinction of the reincarnation sect, it is not easy to judge whether the sin-eating Baru is a fictional hungry ghost. In reality, it is a beast domesticated by religious law enforcement agencies to punish prisoners.

Kunlun Shrine, why does Ah Xiang want to be a ghost mother?

1. "Kunlun Shrine" Ah Xiang wants to be a queen because she is a descendant of the demon clan, which is also the purpose of her trip to Kunlun.