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【英文介绍/For English】:

The TV series "Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty" is a mystery unit detective drama starring Yang Xuwen and Yang Zhigang. It is adapted from the novel of the same name by writer Wei Fenghua and tells the story of Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming jointly solving strange cases.

The play is set in the prosperous Tang Dynasty as the background. The disappearance of brides happened one after another in Chang'an City, which seems to be related to the strange black tea. Jin Wuwei Zhonglang will be ordered to investigate the case. In the process of searching for clues, he met Su Wuming, a close disciple of Di Renjie, and the two Like-minded, together to solve the mystery.

"The Record of Strange Events in the Tang Dynasty" consists of a total of nine strange cases, namely the Chang'an black tea case, the stone bridge pattern, the Zhongshengtang case, the Huangmei murder case, the human face flower case, the Shentianlou case, the Gantangyi strange talk case and the God of God case. Through these few cases, the anecdotes of Tang Dynasty are revealed, and the mysterious phantoms of gods, ghosts and ghosts are outlined. Therefore, this drama combines fantasy, suspense and horror. Followable.

The nine cases are inextricably linked. Judging from the trajectory of the cases, the two protagonists will go from Chang'an to Nanzhou, then to Ju County, Huzhou, Luoyang, and finally return to Chang'an. They encounter many strange things along the way. It took many hardships to expose the truth of the case.

It is understood that the whole drama was filmed in Hengdian, and the story mainly revolves around two characters, Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming, so do they have prototypes? Since the background is the Tang Dynasty, are Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming also real people in the Tang Dynasty?

There are records about Su Wuming in "History of Tang Dynasty". He lived in the period of Wu Zetian. The novel "Jiwen" records many stories about him. He is very famous among the people. As a matter of fact, apart from "Ji Wen", there is also Su Wuming in the unofficial history, but in "Tang Dynasty Strange Events Records", Su Wuming is set as Di Renjie's disciple. Lu Lingfeng is a fictional character, there is no such person in history.