很多朋友对于密室大逃脱第四季npc李普是谁 他在你好旧时光里演谁和不太懂,今天就由小编下一站思念来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

In each episode of the fourth season of "Escape Room", NPCs will be arranged to render the horror atmosphere. In the tenth episode, the NPC who appeared most often is a handsome guy, who looks mature and attractive. He and Wang Hedi are old acquaintances. This man is called Li Pu Who is the NPC playing? Because of the beard, many people did not recognize it.

The guests of the tenth session are Huang Minghao, Da Zhangwei, Zhang Guowei, Zhou Bichang, Wang Hedi and Bai Jugang. The theme the six of them have to face is "shocking offer". They will be interviewed as soon as they enter. The interviewer Li Pu will explain the rules to everyone in a serious manner , and interviewed one by one in person, Wang Hedi recognized him at a glance. It turned out that the two had acted as college classmates.

However, from Li Pu's appearance, it seems that he is more mature than Wang Hedi. The two actually acted as classmates. In fact, Li Pu is very young. His actor is Chen Peng Wanli. He was born in Hubei in 1994 and graduated from Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts. In 2015, he entered the show business circle for starring in "Goodbye Time", and later participated in film and television works such as "Crazy Queen", "Hello, Old Time" and "Phoenix Prisoner".

Chen Pengwanli and Wang Hedi have collaborated in "The Life of the Rational School". In the play, Chen Pengwanli plays Su Yang, and Wang Hedi is a college classmate. Still recognized him at a glance, it seems that the two have a good relationship in private.

Many people may not recognize Chen Pengwanli, he is Chu Tiankuo in "Hello, Old Time", his appearance is really different, when Chen Pengwanli played Chu Tiankuo, he was a handsome boy, but in "The Chamber of Secrets" In "The Great Escape", Chu Tiankuo instantly became a mature uncle. In fact, he is not very old, only twenty-eight years old.

Chen Peng Wanli rarely participates in variety shows. He accepted the invitation to record "Escape Room" probably because of Wang Hedi. After "Canglan Jue", it is normal for good brothers to support each other.