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The age order of the three sisters of Tushan

1. The three sisters of Tu Shan in "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker" are arranged in age order, from oldest to youngest: Tu Shan Honghong, Tu Shan Yaya, and Tu Shan Rongrong. Later, after Honghong disappeared, she became Tushan Susu, and in age order, she became Tushan Yaya, Tushan Rongrong and Tushan Susu.

2. Tu Shan Honghong, as the eldest sister among the three Tu Shan sisters, won the admiration of Ya Ya and Rong Rong, and later she became Su Su, an 11-year-old little loli.

3. As the second sister, Tu Shan Yaya is the symbol of the empress. After her sister disappeared, she grew up quickly.

Why does Rongrong Tu Shan have demon patterns?

1. Tu Shan Rongrong has demon marks because she has never been in a relationship, nor has she ever been attracted to any man. The demon pattern is equivalent to the ancient Shougong sand, which is a symbol of chastity. If the monster falls in love, the demon pattern will disappear.