据哈哈娱乐网网站「青山常有雾」消息,近日,垫底辣孩真实长相介绍 网红垫底辣孩本名叫什么引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。








【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, the hot boy at the bottom caused a lot of criticism on the Internet because he took a group of photos, and then the hot boy at the bottom posted an apology on Weibo. Those who have followed him before should know that the hot boy at the bottom became popular on the Internet through cross-dressing videos. It has to be admitted that the pre-transformation and post-transformation him are completely different, which can't help but make him become popular. People are curious about what the bottom hot kid really looks like? Which one is the real him?

The hot boy at the bottom, whose real name is Yan Hao, is a post-00s born in Huainan, Anhui in 2003. He majored in design at Shenzhen University. It is reported that the hot boy at the bottom is an art student, and he was admitted to university with his excellent art results.

The hot boy at the bottom became popular on the Internet with his cross-dressing video. After the cross-dressing, he is very handsome and clean, with a small and delicate face, giving him the feeling of a brother next door. But before the cross-dressing, he was much more down-to-earth.

Anyone who has ever put on makeup knows that the real appearance of the hot girl at the bottom must be the same as before the long transformation. After the transformation, all kinds of fancy makeup and filters are used to show the amazing effect.

"This is not an ordinary red bean. This is the red bean in Wang Wei's poem. Have you never heard of Wang Wei's lovesickness?" I have seen this video, which has been imitated by countless people on the Internet. And it was at that time that the hot boy at the bottom entered the field of vision of more and more people by relying on the national style of dressing up as a handsome boy.

Of course, the last spicy kid also overturned. Some time ago, he collaborated with a certain milk tea brand to shoot an advertisement. In the advertisement, he had a very ordinary and ordinary appearance before changing his costume. However, in the face of complaints from netizens, the bottom hot boy himself is very optimistic. He even posted a blog to ridicule that he is the number one searched person on "Ugly".

All kinds of cross-dressing short videos are very popular on the Internet now. Although many Internet celebrity bloggers look amazing after cross-dressing, we don’t need to imagine them too beautiful. Many people look like ordinary people before makeup , these are commonplace things.