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【英文介绍/For English】:

There are many Nanxing characters in "Brilliant Turn", such as Yan Weilun's scumbag, Pang Xin's domineering president, or Su Luo's affectionate little milk dog. Each role has its own characteristics, and each role has its own independent In the story, in the ending, we saw that Yan Weilun was punished and Su Luo reaped happiness, and he was also very happy.

In the end, Yan Weilun was ruined, his career and relationship were lost, and he was lonely and had no money. The ending was very miserable, but he deserved all these. Who made him not live a good life and cherish his good life.

Yan Weilun is Sophie's husband and has a cute and cute daughter. The family of three lives happily, but Yan Weilun cheated on Ding Manman and kept it from Sophie. The beauty is that he doesn't want his wife to worry, and the family will not be happy. , but he is a scumbag. For his own selfish desires, Sophie finally found out that Yan Weilun was cheating, divorced him, and let him leave the house.

Pang Xin is a domineering married president who owns his own company, but emotionally at odds with his wife. He fell in love with An Ning and made her a mistress. Later, he got entangled with her and wanted to take back his son. Friends, accompanied by a lover, Pang Xin himself also wakes up.

Su Luo is Sophie's younger brother who works in a kindergarten. He fell in love with An Ning at first sight, and then pursued her. Sophie warned Su Luo that what An Ning needs is a responsible husband, not a boy who enjoys being in love. Harvest happiness.

Yang Kai is a straightforward and funny man who has a good impression of Sophie. After knowing that she is divorced, he pursues her with perfect action. After a long journey to pursue the goddess, he reaps happiness.

Shi Shangfei is Sophie's business partner. They have cooperated with each other for many years and have a perfect understanding. Fear, and he was also worried that after he confessed, he would lose the opportunity to be good friends with Sophie, so he gave up confessing.