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【英文介绍/For English】:

The fourth season of "Escape Room" has aired nine episodes, and the last three episodes are over, and it feels a bit fast. As early as August 29, netizens exposed Wang Hedi's recording of "Escape Room" by Reuters. He was in good shape in uniform and had the visual sense of a supermodel, and he walked in the first position. I don't know Wang Hedi How courageous is he?

Since "Cang Lan Jue" was broadcast, Wang Hedi's popularity has skyrocketed and he has become a top artist. He has become active in various variety shows. No, he participated in the recording of the fourth season of "Escape Room". There is no Wang Hedi in the first nine episodes, which means that he will appear in the last three episodes, so Wang Hedi should appear in the tenth episode broadcast on 20220915.

After Wang Hedi entered the show business circle, he has been working hard to film and develop his career, but it has been tepid for a long time and has not been recognized by too many people. It was not until the appearance of "Canglan Jue" that Wang Hedi's career had a turning point , he seized this opportunity to prove himself with his strength, and finally gained countless attention and popularity.

Wang Hedi was invited by the "Escape Room 4" program group to participate in the recording. This variety show is indeed very popular. With Yang Mi, Huang Minghao and Da Zhangwei as regular guests, the attention has always been high. After Wang Hedi became popular, he needs to rely on variety shows. Increase exposure, and "Escape Room 4" is a good choice. After all, the format of this show is different, and it is very different from other reality shows.

Since Wang Hedi chose to participate in "Escape Room 4", it is certainly impossible for him to come to only one episode. Judging from the way the show is broadcast, the last three episodes should be a theme, which means that Wang Hedi will participate in three episodes, and fans can feast their eyes. According to Reuters, Wang Hedi is very handsome in uniform and sunglasses. Many people said that Dongfang Qingcang seems to have traveled to modern times. It seems that everyone is very attached to Wang Hedi's "Seat" filter, and they are looking forward to him in "The Chamber of Secrets" The performance in Great Escape 4.