最近有很多热心网友都十分关心冯远征就任北京人艺院长 冯远征个人资料简介老婆是谁这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「何以相忘」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。


冯远征本来是北京人艺副院长,打算今年卸任退休,如今他成为了第五任院长,不仅不退休,身上的担子还更 重了,之后,冯院长会继续为北京人艺工作。






【英文介绍/For English】:

On September 14, Feng Yuanzheng appeared in front of the media as the new president of Beijing People's Art. Ming.

Feng Yuanzheng was originally the vice president of Beijing People's Arts, and planned to retire this year. Now he has become the fifth president.

Feng Yuanzheng's public appearance as the dean of Beijing People's Arts was at the press conference of the drama "Du Fu" he directed and starred in, which shows that he classifies himself as an actor and will also bring better works to everyone.

Let's take a look at Feng Yuanzheng's experience along the way. He was born in a military family. He became a skydiver in 1978. He gave up the college entrance examination and worked in a factory. When he had time, he would attend art training classes. In 1984, he was not accepted by Beijing due to his poor image. After being admitted to the Film Academy, in the second year, Feng Yuanzheng was admitted to the Beijing People's Art Theater. After that, he went to the West Berlin Academy of Arts to study comedy performance. After returning to China, he became an actor in the Beijing People's Art Theater. He was 29 years old that year.

In 2001, Feng Yuanzheng received widespread attention with "Don't Talk to Strangers". His perverted doctor An Jiahe became the shadow of many people. It can only be said that Feng Yuanzheng's performance is too good.

Feng Yuanzheng has starred in classic film and television masterpieces such as "A World Without Thieves", "If You Are the One", "Deep in a Hundred Flowers" and "Old Farmer". His acting skills have been recognized by his peers and audiences. Well deserved.

Feng Yuanzheng's wife is Liang Danni, an actress from Beijing Renyi. The two met on the set of the movie "The Jackal Into the House". After a period of dating, they fell in love with each other. The two are very affectionate after marriage, and have been in the same boat for more than 20 years. They are typical model couples in the entertainment industry and are very low-key.