






【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is Dong Tingyao, the maid of honor, with?

1. Dong Tingyao and Fang Tianyi are together in "The Maid of Gold". At first, Dong Tingyao liked Fang Yuze and was very dependent on him.

2. Fang Yuze was Dong Tingyao's fiancé, and the two had a marriage contract. Dong Tingyao entered the Governor's Mansion after her family was ruined and died. At that time, her favorite was still Fang Yuze.

3. With the development of the plot, Dong Tingyao and Fang Tianyi fell in love with each other, and knew that Fang Yuze was his real enemy.

Who is Dong Tingyao's enemy?

1. Dong Tingyao's enemy in "The Maid of Gold" is Fang Yuze, and he is the chief culprit who wiped out the Dong family. 2. Before Dong Tingyao's father died, Dong Tingyao asked her to go to the Governor's Mansion, and then Fang Tianyi led someone to break in, causing Dong Tingyao to think that Fang Tianyi was the murderer.