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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Crazy Tigers in Dangerous City" has released a preview. The official announcement is that it will be launched on Tencent Video and Youku on September 15. The film is starred by Xie Miao. The story of life and death struggle, so what is the historical background? Does Zhang Liucheng have a prototype? How did he end up?

The story of "Crazy Tigers in Danger" happened in the thirty-seventh year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty. The eunuchs were in power, and the court was in trouble. The master of alchemy wanted to please Dongchang, so he proposed that living the tiger's heart can strengthen the Yang and regenerate. Afterwards, Dongchang often haunted tigers A hunting ground was set up in a certain place, and the hunted tigers were refined to achieve the purpose of aphrodisiac and rebirth.

This kind of operation caused the strange virus to enter the tiger's body, and all the tigers infected by the virus would become furious, fierce and brutal. Gradually, the virus spread like a plague, and nearly a hundred mutated tigers invaded the town, and the town The common people in the world suffered misfortune. This is an unprecedented catastrophe.

Zhang Liucheng is the Jinyi Guard of Dongchang. He is upright, witty, and fearless of life and death. Xie Miao, the actor who plays Zhang Liucheng, has practiced martial arts since he was a child and is a famous martial arts actor. All the fighting scenes in "Crazy Tiger Dangerous City" were done by him himself.

The background of the film is that tigers are in trouble in South China, and the power of eunuchs is overwhelming. Zhang Liucheng has no corresponding archetypal character. Tigers also have treacherous villains.

The reason why the tiger mutated was because of the ambitious eunuchs in Dongchang who were the instigators of this disaster. Judging from the trailer, the film is well-produced, and the mutated tigers are also very realistic. The director showed the whole process of them biting and culling villagers. The plot is quite exciting and can firmly catch the audience's attention. Looking forward to the film's release on September 15th, Let's see if Zhang Liucheng can keep one side safe.