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【英文介绍/For English】:

It was rumored on the Internet that Tan Songyun was married, and then the studio issued an article to refute the rumors, saying that "the fake is outrageous, currently unmarried and single", Tan Songyun is not an idol, she is 32 years old now, if she is really married, there is no need to hide it from everyone, so some netizens should not spread rumors , let’s pay more attention to Tan Songyun’s works.

Tan Songyun focuses on her acting career. Every drama she starred in is very difficult. Of course, when she is also anxious about relationships, many classmates and friends are already married and have children. They will persuade Tan Songyun not to miss the best childbearing age. Tan Songyun had made a life plan for herself before, which was to get married at the age of 27 and have a baby at the age of 30. Now she is in her early thirties and has no emotional destination yet, and sometimes she is more anxious.

Getting married and having children is a major event in life, and you have to meet the right person. Apart from that, Tan Songyun has nothing to worry about. She still has a clear understanding of feelings, and she will never make do with them. After all, the two of them will spend their lives together. If Tan Songyun has a partner, she should not hide from her fans, so there are rumors on the Internet that she is married, which is obviously a rumor, and Tan Songyun's studio has already refuted the rumor.

Tan Songyun has not officially announced a relationship since her debut, but she has several rumored boyfriends, such as Liu Haoran, Xiong Ziqi and Wu Yichen, etc. Liu Haoran and Xiong Ziqi are both Tan Songyun's partners and have collaborated in film and television works. Tan Songyun looks cute, sweet and lovely, she and Everyone has a sense of CP. Wu Yichen had a lot of interactions with Tan Songyun on Weibo before, and they thought they were a couple, but this was just a guess. The relationship between Tan Songyun and Wu Yichen is still a mystery.

Tan Songyun has gone through many ups and downs along the way from the female supporting role to the heroine. Her acting skills have become more and more mature, and every role she plays has left a deep impression on people. Tan Songyun's popularity is still very good. Whether it is fans or netizens, she is very good at relying on her, which shows that Tan Songyun is not only acting, but also good at being a person. I hope she will find her emotional home soon.