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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Road to Life" is coming to an end. Gao Shuangxing, the thief who stole the admission letter from Gao Jialin University, also came to his senses and surrendered himself to accept his own punishment. After many years, Gao Jialin reconciled with him. No previous glory, but this time he became a teacher by virtue of his own ability, teaching students knowledge in his hometown, and his heart is very fulfilled and very down-to-earth.

Gao Shuangxing and his father took the initiative to go to Gao Jialin's house to apologize, and told the whole story about what happened when he went to college to replace Gao Jialin. Gao Jialin was shocked. This is his brother. Lin couldn't accept an apology.

Later, Gao Jialin used the law to protect his rights and interests, and he finally stood on the podium again. After many years, Gao Jialin, who had left the countryside wholeheartedly and wanted to become a teacher, came back again.

Gao Shuangxing resigned from civil servants and other jobs, first worked as a courier, then went to study, and then was admitted to the teacher. This time he chose to return to his alma mater in northern Shaanxi to be a teacher, so that more students can receive a comprehensive education. Knowledge, can go out of the mountain village.

Gao Jialin and Gao Shuangxing met again. They were over half a century old, and they met and smiled at each other, and the two got back together. After these years of tempering, and the test of many things, Gao Jialin is no longer the young boy of the past. He understands that life is unsatisfactory, and he also understands that Gao Shuangxing has not been able to sleep well these years. Feeling.

Chen Xiuli was shocked when she found out about Gao Shuangxing University's replacement, but after hearing her husband's confession and thinking of his hard work over the years, she instantly lost her anger and felt more distressed. The two did not divorce, so Chen Xiuli chose to accompany Gao Double Star, face all the ups and downs with him.

Many viewers who watched the drama felt displeased with Gao Shuangxing's final ending, which was too good. In fact, a drama is a drama, and life is life, and it is impossible to be perfect. In many cases, the good and the tragic will come out after the test of time.