本篇文章给大家谈谈亲爱的生命吴聪睿官配是谁 吴聪睿刚怀孕就流产让人心疼,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。








【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Dear Life", Wu Congrui is Du Di's best friend, and they both work in the same hospital. The eight-year friendship between her and Du Di is naturally irreplaceable. In the play, Wu Congrui will always think about Du Di's emotional state, so who is Wu Congrui's official partner in "Dear Life"? Is Wu Congrui married?

"Dear Life" Wu Congrui's official partner is Feng Yuanhang, who is also a doctor at Taiji Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in the play. After Wu Congrui and Feng Yuanhang got married, they always wanted a child, and finally got pregnant with this child, and because of this child, Wu Congrui also planned to give up the chance of promotion, but who would have thought that the child could not be kept.

After knowing that Wu Congrui was pregnant, as her best friend, Du Di would remind Wu Congrui all the time in the hospital, hoping that she could pay attention to work and protect herself.

Director Tian was going to perform the first childbirth operation on a pregnant woman with AIDS in the hospital. He named Wu Congrui as his assistant. Because no one in the hospital knew that Wu Congrui was pregnant, only Du Di knew about Wu Congrui's pregnancy. She was worried that Wu Congrui's participation in the operation would affect the health of the unborn baby, so she offered to participate in the operation.

During the operation, the blood of the pregnant woman with AIDS splashed out. Du Di subconsciously stood in front of Wu Congrui, fearing that she would be splashed with blood. Who knew that Wu Congrui stepped on a puddle of blood on the ground during the process of retreating, and he slipped and fell to the ground, with stomach The children in the village were not kept either.

Du Di never thought that he would cause Wu Congrui to miscarry because of his good intentions. After the miscarriage, Wu Congrui became sensitive. In fact, she knew in her heart that the miscarriage was no fault of Du Di. She insisted on bragging about this operation. The loss of the child has nothing to do with Du Di.

But she was looking forward to the arrival of this child so much, and even gave up competing with Du Di for the position of the head of the hospital in order to get pregnant. Now that the child suddenly disappeared, it was normal for her to be unable to accept it for a while. I just hope that this matter will not affect the friendship between her and Du Di for many years.