据哈哈娱乐网网站「明月清风」消息,近日,覆流年蔡先生喜欢陆欣然吗 想不到蔡先生还是个恋爱脑引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。








【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Falling Years", Mr. Cai is King Qing's right-hand man. In his previous life, he married Lu Xinran as his wife, but after his rebirth, Lu Xinran married King Qing and became a princess. Does Mr. Cai still like Lu Xinran after the rebirth of "Falling Years"? It seems that even if they are reborn, Lu Xinran and Mr. Cai are destined to continue the fate of the previous life, and the heroine just took advantage of this to severely punish Lu Xinran.

Mr. Cai likes Lu Xinran in "Falling Years". No matter in his previous life or after his rebirth, he always likes Lu Xinran. However, due to Lu Xinran's status as Princess Lu Xinran after rebirth, he withdrew his care and concern for her in front of Lu Xinran. I just like it.

Mr. Cai Wangjin in "Falling Years" is the most loyal person around King Qing, but at present, he is very likely to betray King Qing for Lu Xinran.

After rebirth, Lu Anran designed to use Lu Xinran to marry King Qing for him. However, King Qing didn't want to see Lu Xinran at all. When facing Lu Xinran, he only had disgust and disgust in his eyes. Mr. Cai saw all of this. When he saw Lu Xinran being scolded by King Qing, he couldn't hide the distress on his face.

In the previous life, it was Lu Xinran who fell in love with Mr. Cai at first sight, and it was also Mr. Cai whom Lu Xinran actively pursued. The two made a private decision for life, and Lu Xinran from the previous life also got his wish and married Mr. Cai. Who knew that after rebirth, even though Lu Xinran married King Qing, Mr. Cai would still fall in love with her.

Lu Xinran went to the mountain to tell her fortune, met bandits, and happened to be rescued by Mr. Cai who went to the mountain to sacrifice her mother. Mr. Cai bandaged the wound on her back. In the previous life, the two of them made a private decision for life after this. After being reborn, Mr. Cai failed to control his liking for Lu Xinran, and Lu Xinran, who had been neglected by King Qing for a long time, also took the initiative to hook up with Mr. Cai.

Lu Anran took advantage of the relationship between Lu Xinran and Mr. Cai, and successfully pushed Lu Xinran to a dead end. But Lu Xinran is her younger sister after all, her father didn't understand what she did, and thought she was ruthless and vicious towards her younger sister, but no one knew that in the previous life, Lu Xinran cursed her child, and after her rebirth, Lu Xinran still wanted to put her to death. Lu Xinran deserved everything that happened to her.