本篇文章给大家谈谈无负今日电影什么时候上映 剧情介绍讲了什么故事,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The movie "No Responsibility Today" released a fixed-file poster, with "The years change, the original intention is never forgotten, the fire continues, move forward courageously, know what you do, and live up to today" as the copywriting, pointing out the theme of this movie.

"No Loss Today" is scheduled for September 10, 2022. The film is co-directed by Zhao Xiaoxi and Zhao Xiaoou, with Wang Jinsong and Qiao Zhenyu as the leading actors, and many powerful actors joining, such as Liu Yun, Gao Weiguang, Cao Lei, Ma Shuliang, Yin Fang and Sun Qian, etc., they wrote stories of different eras together.

"No Negative Today" focuses on three generations of teachers and students in China's key model universities. It happened to be released on Teacher's Day. He and Yu Hua will also contribute their true colors in the film, I don't know how they will perform.

This film shows the development and transformation of normal colleges and universities over the past hundred years. "No Loss Today" comes from "Liang Qichao's Family Letter", which means not to forget the original intention. The film tells the story of people of different eras and the meaningful symphony that happened recently , is connected in series by stories from three different eras, each of which resonates with the same goal through different routes.

The cast is strong and they are all capable. Wang Jinsong plays Wang Zikun. He is an old actor with deep experience in the entertainment industry and has interpreted many unforgettable classic roles. Cao Lei plays Lu Xun. He has already played Lu Xun in "The Age of Awakening".

Qiao Zhenyu seldom acts in period dramas like "No Lost Today". He will play Li Jinxi in the film. Li Jinxi has a prototype in history. He was born in Xiangtan, Hunan. He is a famous Chinese philologist and reformer. A family and educator, and one of the founders of the Jiusan Society, apart from Li Jinxi, other characters in the movie also have corresponding prototypes, and they are all famous figures in history.