

1、《简言的夏冬》鞠微的 扮演者是龙政璇,在剧中龙政璇饰演的鞠微对夏冬有意,但夏冬并不喜欢她。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Who played Xia Dongju Wei in Jianyan

1. Ju Wei is played by Long Zhengxuan in "Jian Yan's Xia Dong". In the play, Ju Wei played by Long Zhengxuan is interested in Xia Dong, but Xia Dong doesn't like her.

2. Long Zhengxuan was born in 1993 and has acted in many works such as "Two-Faced Detective", "Splendid Nange", and "Fire Like a Song".

3. In the play, Ju Wei is Xia Dong’s junior junior sister, because Xia Dong once studied carpentry with Ju Wei’s father, and the two have known each other for a long time. Ju Wei knows Xia Dong very well, but she knows Xia Dong Their feelings are definitely not just ordinary friends.

The relationship between Xia Dong, Lin Junwen and Xia Dong in a nutshell

1. In "Jian Yan's Xia Dong", Lin Junwen and Xia Dong used to be old classmates, and they are also old friends who have been brothers for ten years.