本篇文章给大家谈谈思文离婚真实原因 脱口秀大会和程璐重逢两人会复婚吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。









【英文介绍/For English】:

Both Siwen and Cheng Lu are familiar talk show actors. They are humorous on the talk show stage and brought a lot of laughter to everyone. I thought that the two could live happily together offstage, but what many people didn't expect was that Siwen and Cheng Lu divorced. Why did Siwen and Cheng Lu divorce? Judging from the performance of the two after their divorce, they have feelings for each other.

After the fifth season of "Talk Show Conference", Siwen's return was very surprising and surprising. She and Cheng Lu met again on the talk show stage. Facing the jokes of everyone, Siwen and Cheng Lu not only did not feel awkward, but With everyone playing the divorce stalk.

First, Wang Jianguo played homophonic stalks, and then Cheng Lu also joked that "the top six didn't come, and the top seven (ex-wife) came." He felt that he should be able to get the top seven this year. And Siwen was sitting not far from him at this time.

Some people think that everyone's teasing is just teasing, and there is no need to encourage the two to remarry. Perhaps for the two of them, they are more suitable as friends and brothers, but they are probably not so suitable as partners in marriage.

The reason why the two divorced at the beginning was because the way they got along with each other was not like a husband and wife. Siwen and Cheng Lu once talked about the reasons for their divorce on the show. She admitted frankly that both of them are too independent, even if they are married, they will not interfere with each other's lives. Cheng Lu said that he didn't stay with Siwen well most of the time, which hurt the relationship between the two of them quite a lot.

Perhaps the two have been rivals on the talk show stage for so long that they have forgotten how to get along well in life.

And Siwen has always been the queen of talk shows in everyone's minds. After she and Cheng Lu got married, there were always some voices from the outside world saying that Cheng Lu was a soft rice boy. I don't know if this is the reason why the two chose to separate.

In the fifth season of "Talk Show Conference", Na Ying asked them why they divorced because of their feelings. At this time, Li Dan said that they divorced because of their feelings, and they had more expectations for each other because of their feelings. Expect only to be disappointed.