最近有很多热心网友都十分关心覆流年男主是谁 陆安然到底喜欢穆泽还是穆川这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「云潇潇。」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。








【英文介绍/For English】:

Although both Zhai Zilu and Jing Chao are the leading actors in "Falling Years", there is only one male protagonist among them. Is Mu Chuan played by Zhai Zilu the male protagonist, or Mu Ze played by Jing Chao? Who is Lu Anran's official partner?

The story of this play revolves around Lu Anran's road to revenge after her rebirth. There are complicated emotional entanglements between her, Mu Ze and Mu Chuan. For those who care, whoever gets Lu Anran in the end, Mu Ze or Mu Chuan.

Lu Anran, played by Xing Fei, is a free, straightforward, unrestrained woman. Everyone thought that she would not be a bird in a cage, but she did not expect that Lu Anran fell in love with the ambitious King Qing Mu Ze. Everyone, including Lu Anran.

Lu Anran treated Mu Ze sincerely, but in the end it was Mu Ze's betrayal and injury. Mu Ze abandoned Lu Anran for the throne, and caused Lu Anran's family to be destroyed. After losing everything, Lu Anran was disheartened, and she was buried in a sea of ​​flames full of hatred for Mu Ze. If she did it again, she would never fall in love with Mu Ze again.

After Lu Anran's rebirth, her mentality has undergone a huge change. The former Lu Anran who voluntarily became a bird in a cage for her lover is dead. The reborn Lu Anran has only one goal, which is revenge. Only in this way can she relieve the pain she suffered in her previous life. harm.

In fact, the Ninth Prince Mu Chuan has always loved Lu Anran. He hoped that Lu Anran could live in the present, carefree and carefree. He would be happy only when Lu Anran was happy, so Mu Chuan really liked Lu Anran.

It was only during the process of getting in touch with Mu Chuan that Lu Anran realized that he had already fallen in love with the Ninth Prince who had no intentions and was indifferent to fame and fortune, and almost missed the good match. With the help of Mu Chuan, Lu Anran fulfilled his wish, and the two of them also cultivated. From this point of view, Mu Chuan is the hero and Mu Ze is the second. In the end, Lu Anran chose Mu, who would not hurt herself. Sichuan.