最近有很多热心网友都十分关心欢乐颂4方芷衡官配是郭声扬吗 因官司相识缘分因此开始这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「倚楼听风雨」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。









【英文介绍/For English】:

"Ode to Joy 4" Fang Zhiheng finally got rid of the shadow of Li Xun's harm to her back then. Now she can talk about the things of the year more peacefully and live a more relaxed life, and there is a small accident that she has because of the lawsuit and the new lawyer Guo Shengyang got acquainted, this meeting brought a new enjoyment to Fang Zhiheng's life emotion, does Fang Zhiheng like Guo Shengyang?

Fang Zhiheng's official partner is Guo Shengyang. One of the two is Yujie, who is capable, talented and hard-working, while the other is a simple and cute college student who has just stepped into the society. She is really cute and cute.

Guo Shengyang is a lawyer. Although he has just entered the society, he has a very high basic professionalism, especially in the face of customer needs, and has his own judgment ability. Guo Shengyang and Fang Zhiheng met because of the lawsuit.

Li Qixing and his mother found Guo Shengyang and entrusted him to use a lawyer's letter to intimidate Fang Zhiheng, but what he didn't expect was that Fang Zhiheng was already familiar with the lawyer's routine, and she often used this small trick, using the lawyer's letter to show it Her formality, some timid people surrendered at this time, but Fang Zhiheng was not frightened, this trick was useless to her.

Because of this, Guo Shengyang took a closer look at Fang Zhiheng and knew her intelligence, and then introduced himself to her solemnly.

However, Li Qixing's mother still didn't want to let Fang Zhiheng go, and thought of finding a point of attack to sue Fang Zhiheng, which caused her a lot of trouble and made her tired of dealing with it, but Guo Shengyang knew that Fang Zhiheng was a hard worker, and these had no effect on her.

Therefore, in this lawsuit, Guo Shengyang and Fang Zhiheng became "unfamiliar but acquainted" friends. The two also ate and drank together to celebrate Fang Zhiheng's promotion. The relationship between the two became closer unconsciously, and later became a loving couple.

Fang Zhiheng is a very unfortunate but very lucky girl. After experiencing bullying in the workplace, she was cured by a friend and met a heart-to-heart lover. She was very lucky.