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【英文介绍/For English】:

On April 10, Hong Kong media reported that Hong Kong actor Wu Yaohan passed away at the age of 83. Many people may have never heard of his name, especially the younger ones. In fact, everyone is familiar with his appearance. Bald Qiang is based on him Created, so what is Wu Yaohan's personal information? Let's take a look together below.

Wu Yaohan was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong in 1939. In 1955, he went to the British Hamster Academy of Drama to study. After leaving his job, he joined the British BBC TV station. He returned to China in 1970 and became a comedian. The main thing is that Wu Yaohan looks very funny and impresses people. impression.

Wu Yaohan has starred in many classic comedy movies, such as "Half Weight", "Fat Qian Han", "Lost", "Beware of Small Shou" and "Ba Xi Lin Men", etc. His acting skills are very good. Wu Yaohan is also one of the five lucky stars. He played the role of death throat in "Five Lucky Stars", and then came out the lucky star series. This is the peak period of Wu Yaohan's career.

Many people know Wu Yaohan, probably because he watched his performance in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slaying: The Demon Cult Leader", in which he played the role of the green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao, with a very distinctive beard. "When the Wind Rises Again" is Wu Yaohan's last appearance on the big screen. He plays Cai Zhen's father. This movie will be released in February 2023. Unexpectedly, two months later, news of Wu Yaohan's death came.

I still remember that two years ago, Wu Yaohan was interviewed. He said that he had been out of work for two years and had to undergo kidney dialysis every day. His daily activities were restricted and he could not continue to work at all. The doctor advised him not to have a kidney transplant. Two years later, Wu Yaohan passed away.

It is reported that the prototype of the bald strong in "Bears" is Wu Yaohan, and "Bears" officially stated that he has obtained the authorization of his portrait rights. Wu Yaohan became famous decades earlier than Bald Qiang. By chance, Bald Qiang appeared in the image of Wu Yaohan. Many people wanted to see Wu Yaohan play the real version of Bald Qiang. Unfortunately, they never got this opportunity. Now that Wu Yaohan has passed away, everyone’s The wish cannot be fulfilled.