






【英文介绍/For English】:

don't be afraid you will be irreplaceable

1. Don't be afraid that you will be irreplaceable is the lyrics in the song "Love Complex". This song was released on August 19, 2003. The original singer is Priscilla Chan.

2. "Affection Complex" was written by Lin Xi and composed and arranged by Chen Huiyang. The title of the song means that this person has a special feeling for a thing, and the lyrics express the inseparable emotional entanglement between the two.

3. From "Don't be afraid that you will be irreplaceable" to fully explain the regret after breaking up with your lover, and you can't let go of that relationship.

If life is like the first time I see a good country, who will study abroad instead?

1. "Life Is Like the First Time You See" Liangxiang takes the place of Prince Qing's children to study abroad. Liangxiang was jokingly called a royal nobleman among his classmates studying abroad, but Liang Xiang didn't know until he came to Shanghai that he was actually going to study abroad in place of the children of Prince Qing's family, and real royal nobles would not go to study abroad.