本篇文章给大家谈谈张天爱和徐开骋演的电视叫什么 两人什么时候在一起的,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。








【英文介绍/For English】:

On August 25th, Zhang Tianai exposed Xu Kaicheng's recording, and accompanied it with the text "recidivist, I hope all girls keep their eyes open". Later, Guli Nazha reposted this Weibo and said that she was not a junior. Through this recording, she saw Xu Kaicheng clearly What kind of person is he. Many people are curious about the relationship between Zhang Tianai and Xu Kaicheng. What TV show did the two meet? How did they come together again?

After Zhang Tianai and Guli Nazha spoke out successively, Xu Kaicheng also sent a Weibo to respond to the matter. He disclosed his love line with Zhang Tianai and apologized to Zhang Tianai and Guli Nazha. This is the end of the incident.

In 2019, when Xu Kaicheng and Zhang Tianai starred in "My Beautiful Friend" because of the drama, the media repeatedly photographed scenes of the two being inseparable. At that time, Xu Kaicheng was very considerate to Zhang Tianai. While waiting for others to go to the airport, Xu Kaicheng also took the initiative to help Zhang Tianai carry the bag, but the two did not disclose their relationship.

At that time, Xu Kaicheng and Zhang Tianai interacted frequently on Weibo. It seemed that they no longer cared whether the outside world knew that they were in love. It was only one step away from an official announcement. The two had been dating for almost two years from 2019 to now.

Xu Kaicheng received attention because of "How the boss wants to marry me". Zhang Tianai was more popular than him, but after the two got together, Xu Kaicheng refused to disclose the relationship on the grounds of a love agreement. Zhang Tianai also agreed, but he did not expect Xu Kaicheng to be drunk promiscuous.

Judging from Xu Kaicheng's Weibo, on December 16, 2021, Zhang Tianai proposed to him to break up, and on December 24, he reconciled. My own mistake broke up with Zhang Tianai on January 16, 2022. On January 18, Xu Kaicheng confessed his mistake to Zhang Tianai, and there was a recording of Zhang Tianai's exposure.

Then Zhang Tianai and Xu Kaicheng reconciled again. The two experienced separation and reunion, and finally officially broke up on July 10. Afterwards, Xu Kaicheng was revealed to be in love with Guli Nazha. Everyone knew the following things, and the three also separated. responded.