






【英文介绍/For English】:

The prototype of the story of Song of Lushan

1. The story prototype of "Song of Lushan" is the road to the development of China's heavy industry in the 1990s.

2. The protagonist of the story is Lushan Heavy Industry, a listed state-owned company. After the company entered a period of in-depth reform and adjustment, two generations of heavy workers fought side by side to achieve technological innovation together.

3. Lushan Heavy Industry encountered many difficulties in the reform stage, but everyone did not give up, and the fate of several protagonists also changed.

What era is the Song of Lushan?

1. "Song of Lushan" is a story in the 1990s, and its content focuses on the high-quality development of China's heavy industry since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.