今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对披荆斩棘第二季初舞台歌单公布 勾起大家难忘的青春记忆进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!



第二个舞台秀由吴建豪、Mike、范世錡和朱嘉琦为大家带来的表演,分别演唱《Save Your Tears》、《哪里都是你》、《海芋恋》和《爱的主打歌》,合唱曲目是《爱的主打歌》,舞台很热烈,背景是熊熊烈火。




第六个舞台秀是张智霖、刘恺威、王大陆和蔡珩为大家带来的,四个人分别表演《fly to the moon》、《将爱》、《小幸运》和《我还年轻我还年轻》,跟之前几组一样,合唱最后一首歌。



【英文介绍/For English】:

The second season of "Riding the Thorns" is finally here. The thirty-two brothers are all assembled. They rushed to the stage with a hot heart. The program group exposed the first stage playlist. There are a total of eight groups of stage shows. The brothers will perform Hualiu classics. Take everyone back to those lush years, and set off unforgettable memories many years ago. I don’t know which performance touched your heart.

The first stage show on the first stage was performed by Chen Xiaochun, Lin Feng, Wu Zhuoxi and Wen Zhaolun. They sang "The Second Half of My Life", "The Harder the More Love", "Move Up" and "What I Want in My Life", and finally they sang "What I Want in My Life" "Seeking", the four are all top artists in Hong Kong, China, and the stage effect is definitely not bad.

The second stage show was performed by Vanness Wu, Mike, Fan Shiqi and Zhu Jiaqi. They sang "Save Your Tears", "Where Are You", "Calamosa Love" and "Love's Title Song" respectively, and sang the chorus It is "The Title Song of Love", the stage is very lively, and the background is a raging fire.

The guest performers of the third stage show are Xin, Hao Yun, Ma Di and Zheng Jun. They performed "Love To Die", "To Live", "Nanshan South" and "Elope" respectively, and finally sang "Elope". All holding guitars, the scene is very emotional, audiences who like rock and roll should be infected.

The fourth stage show is "That Girl Tells Me", "Platform", "Are You Still Afraid of the Rain" and "Sad Pacific" brought by Huang Yida, PeopleSoft, Zhou Pakhao and Ren Xianqi. Four people correspond to four songs , and finally sang "Sad Pacific". The love song gave people a strong sense of substitution, and the guests were also full of emotions.

The fifth stage show is composed of Wilber Pan, Wu Kequn, Yang Changqing and Zhang Zhenyue. They performed "Inverting the Earth", "Write Poems for You", "red" and "Missing is a disease" respectively, and sang "Missing is a disease". "A Kind of Disease", the performance styles of the four people are a bit different, forming a sharp contrast.

The sixth stage show was brought by Julian Cheung, Hawick Lau, Darren Wang and Heng Cai. The four performed "fly to the moon", "Jiang Ai", "Little Lucky" and "I'm still young, I'm still young" respectively , like the previous groups, sang the last song together.

The performers of the seventh stage show are Lee Seung-hyun, Fang Yilun, Zhang Junning and Du Dewei. song, and the last four sang "Save the Earth" together.

The eighth stage show is composed of Jin Han, Zeng Bit, Zhang Yunlong and Su Youpeng. They performed "Blank Grid", "Hair Like Snow", "I Want to Find You", "Love" and "Red Dragonfly" respectively, and finally everyone sang together "Red Dragonfly" immediately returned to the era of the Little Tigers, evoking memories of countless people.