本篇文章给大家谈谈胆小鬼秦理怎么被开除的 秦理最后报仇了吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Coward" Qin Li's life is very rough. His father was sentenced to death for robbery and murder. His elder brother Qin Tian is suspected of killing Huang Shu. He is also deaf because he has no money to treat his ears, so he can only wear a hearing aid. Qin Li studies very well, has excellent grades, and is also a genius boy in everyone's eyes, but he was expelled from the school in the end. What's going on?

Qin Li's expulsion was related to Wang Di. Wang Di's family was poor, and his parents used their conscience to earn money for him to study. Wang Di chose to keep silent. If he exposed his parents, he would have to drop out of school. Wang Di later betrayed Qin Li as a foreshadowing.

On the day when Qin Li and Feng Xuejiao were on duty, Feng Xuejiao didn't want to guard the boiler room because she was unwell, so Qin Li changed jobs with her. Unexpectedly, an accident happened in the boiler room. The school should compensate him, but the school didn't want to pay, so they asked Wang Di to testify against him.

The school promised Wang Di that as long as he gave false testimony, he would be guaranteed to enter the top 200, which is equivalent to Wang Di helping his parents reduce the burden of 9,000 yuan. It's hard to argue with the reason, he never thought that he would be stabbed by his good brother.

After this incident happened, Feng Xuejiao approached Wang Di, and Wang Di gave the answer that she didn't want to live a hard life, so she colluded with the school to frame Qin Li. Qin Li did not receive compensation, nor did he have money to treat his ears, so he could only wear hearing aids in the future, but the school expelled Qin Li directly to be on the safe side. Wang Di felt guilty for Qin Li. After Qin Li was expelled, the two never met again. contacted.

Later, Huang Shu was found dead in a snow pit in the unfinished building. The murderer was missing. After an autopsy, the forensic doctor found that Huang Shu had poison in her body, and Huang Shu had been raped. After ten years of dormant revenge, in the original book, Qin Li succeeded in revenge and brought Huang Shu's murderer to justice. After fulfilling his wish, he committed suicide by jumping off the building.