






【英文介绍/For English】:

How many episodes of Chen Xiangzhonghua

1. "Agarwood and Chonghua" has a total of 21 episodes. "Agarwood Chonghua" is the second part of "Agarwood as Crumbs", which tells the story of Tang Zhou, Yan Dan and others who found four weapons, and Tang Zhou restored Cheng Yingyuan to fight the false emperor.

2. There is also the love story of Ying Yuan's parents in "Chen Xiang Chong Hua", who crazily criticizes the scumbag father and keeps doing things in order to resurrect the dyed green.

3. The relationship between Yan Dan and Ying Yuan also got married after going through many difficulties.

Is Chen Xiang Zhong Hua Xuan Ye bad?

1. "Agarwood Chonghua" Xuan Ye is bad. Xuan Ye is a member of the Shura clan. He is very scheming and very good at manipulating people's hearts. He is a villain.