






【英文介绍/For English】:

What is the use of Canglan Jue Chengying Sword?

1. The role of Chengying Sword in "Canglan Jue" is to break the Concentric Curse blessed by Xilan's Holy Seal. This sword was damaged as early as in ancient wars, and its fragments were scattered everywhere.

2. Once you fall under the same-heart spell, you will share joy and sorrow with the caster, die together and suffer together. The fate of the two people is connected and can influence each other.

3. Dongfang Qingcang has been looking for Chengying Sword in order to break the Concentric Curse. As long as one of the victims of the curse is stabbed to death with the Chengying Sword, the Concentric Curse can be lifted.

What does it mean to wipe cinnabar on Canglan Jueyue clan?

1. In "Canglan Jue", the Yue Clan's smear of cinnabar means a marriage proposal, which is the rule of the Yue Clan. In addition, smearing blood on someone's face is a way of expressing gratitude.