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【英文介绍/For English】:

The story of "Dragon City" revolves around the Zheng family in Dragon City. The four sons of the Zheng family and their descendants, the trivialities of life, emotional entanglements and struggles, especially the experience of Dong Nixijue's generation, are very real , is also very helpless, what holds us back is always love, family affection is warm and hurtful, let us watch the emotional entanglement of the Zheng family.

"Dragon City" The Zheng family in Dragon City has four sons: Zheng Yan, Zheng Laoer, Zheng Laosan and Zheng Hong. Zheng Yan has a daughter Zheng Dongni, Zheng Laoer is the father of Xijue, and Zheng Laosan's daughter Zheng Nanyin, Zheng Hong, also known as my uncle, divorced his wife eight years ago and has been single until now.

Zheng Dongni's mother was a flower in the factory back then. Zheng Yan relied on force and perseverance to embrace the beauty. However, after marriage, Zheng Yan suspected that his wife's daughter Zheng Dongni was not his own. The two had been arguing constantly. Even fight.

Dong Ni grew up in an environment where her parents quarreled, and even her character was affected. Dong Ni was rebellious and unrestrained since she was a child. Her painful childhood experience made her hostile to everyone. In Nanyin's words If she said that she was not doing well, she didn't want to let the people around her live well, and let everyone suffer with her.

Xi Jue's father died of illness, and his mother committed suicide to follow him. Xi Jue, who became an orphan, was adopted by his third uncle and aunt. He grew up with Nan Yin since he was a child. He is precocious, kind and loving. Carried up the Zheng family.

Nanyin was born in a happy family. She was protected by Xijue Dongni since she was a child, and she grew up carefree. But because of her puppy love and liking for Su Yuanzhi, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She is the little sun of the Zheng family and is the closest to happiness. , but the final ending was very miserable, and the relationship with Su Yuanzhi also faded away.

Dong Ni Nan Yin and Xi Jue's three siblings rely on each other and accompany each other. Although they have experienced too many hardships in the middle, they still stay by each other's side in the end. This emotion is moving.