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【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, the movie "The King of the Sky" starring Wang Yibo, Hu Jun, and Yu Shi, and Zhou Dongyu's special starring was officially announced. Judging from the released trailer, people are full of expectations for this movie. When is "King of the Sky" released? What is the main story of this film?

"The King of the Sky" has not yet been officially announced, but if there is no accident, this film will be released in the second half of 2022, and the specific release time will have to wait for official news.

The movie "The King of the Sky" is a film focusing on the new era of Air Force test pilots. The trailer was officially released on August 13. Judging from the trailer, this is a very professional film full of passion and challenges.

In the film, Wang Yibo, Zhou Dongyu and Hu Jun all wear military uniforms. It is reported that Hu Jun plays the captain Zhang Ting in the movie, and Wang Yibo plays the role of the new generation of test pilot Lei Yu. As test pilots, their main task is to complete all kinds of difficult test flight tasks and challenge the flight limits one after another.

"If you want to try out the limits of a new aircraft, you must first break through your own limits", this is the line in the film. From the official trailer, we can see that Lei Yu, played by Wang Yibo, is training in high temperature and extremely cold environments. In the film, there are many test pilots like him who need to go through such rigorous training. Break through your own limits before you can participate in the flight test.

Behind the deployment of each fighter jet, there will be test pilots like Lei Yu who test the safety boundary and limit state of the aircraft time and time again. In the process, they may face various emergencies and crisis challenges , but they cannot shrink back, because this is their mission and work.

"The King of the Sky" is directed by Liu Xiaoshi and produced by Han Han. This film will focus on the reform and development of new China's aviation weapons and equipment. In this film, there will be many exciting scenes. I hope the film will be released soon.