据哈哈娱乐网网站「梦已隔江南」消息,近日,睡美人的英语对话+旁白剧本 悬赏分可提高,睡美人英语剧本简洁版「科普」引发热议,睡美人英语对话同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。


Sleeping Beauty

Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day, "If only we had a child!" But for a long time they had none.

One day, as the Queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled. Before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world."

And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a year had passed the Queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that the King could not contain himself for joy. He prepared a great feast and invited all his friends, family and neighbours. He invited the fairies, too, in order that they might be kind and good to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but as the King only had twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of the fairies had to be left out. None of the guests was saddened by this as the thirteenth fairy was known to be cruel and spiteful.

An amazing feast was held and when it came to an end, each of the fairies presented the child with a magic gift. One fairy gave her virtue, another beauty, a third riches and so on -- with everything in the world that anyone could wish for.

After eleven of the fairies had presented their gifts, the thirteenth suddenly appeared. She was angry and wanted to show her spite for not having been invited to the feast. Without hesitation she called out in a loud voice,

"When she is fifteen years old, the Princess shall prick herself with a spindle and shall fall down dead!"

Then without another word, she turned and left the hall.

The guests were horrified and the Queen fell to the floor sobbing, but the twelfth fairy, whose wish was still not spoken, quietly stepped forward. Her magic could not remove the curse, but she could soften it so she said,

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画外音:Years passed, and from time to time a King's son would come to the famous briar hedge to try and find the mysterious sleeping Princess that the legend spoke of. Finally, with 张二娃’s help, there was one man succeed making his way to the tallest tower.


Phillip: She is so lovely. How can I wake her?


The interpreter: (body language配合)a kiss.

[He had fallen completely in love with her,and was about to kiss her巫婆上场]

Maleficent :shame on you! how dare you do that!


Phillip:Loser’s quitter. Finder’s keeper.(做鬼脸)I have to wake her in the best way! But how?



张二娃:Help,help!120 come here!









Phillip:My sweetheart, you have slept for too long. How did you feel when you opened your eyes? Regretful? Amazed? The feeling in love?

Aurora:I feel like going to the toilet.

Phillip;That’s sweet!