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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Manshu Shahua" is a mythological movie starring Nan Sheng and Li Jiaming. It premiered on Tencent and iQiyi on August 9. It tells the sadomasochistic story of Manshu and Shahua falling in love and killing each other. I am curious about the ending of the movie. Manshu Did you end up with Sahua?

Man Shu played by Nan Sheng is the extradition fairy of the underworld, born ruthless and loveless, and can't feel temperature. The only duty for thousands of years is to punish evil and ferry demons. At the beginning of the movie, Manshu is on a mission. Anyone who rapes, kills, or greedy people or monsters will not escape punishment, and the underworld will take them away, so Manshu is a terrible existence, and of course it has attracted many troubles and enemies.

When Manshu was taking a bath in the spiritual pool, Yexian Shahua inadvertently broke in. She thought Shahua was a prostitute and was about to attack him, but was interrupted by Shahua. Sha Hua said that he is an honest gentleman, not a licentious thief, and only fell into the spirit pool because the vines suddenly withered and broke when he was climbing on the cliff to pick flowers.

Manshu, who has always acted decisively, let Shahua go. Keeping Shahua has other uses. She wanted Shahua to help revive the thousand-year-old dead tree, so she took Shahua captive to Wangchuan. During this process, Manshu instinctively She got closer to Shahua and gradually developed a relationship between a man and a woman, but she didn't know that all of this was a conspiracy designed by Master Shahua, and Shahua also approached Manshu with a purpose.

The fact that Manshu and Shahua are in love is known by Po Meng. In order to fulfill the love between Manshu and Shahua, the good sister Lingguo takes the blame for Manshu and is silently punished. In order to stay with Shahua forever, Manshu endured the torture, and his cultivation was exhausted. Lingguo went to Shahua to help him, hoping that he would enter Wangchuan and pour into purgatory to rescue Manshu. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by Shahua's adoptive father, and Lingguo finally disappeared.

The devil Yong Ye wanted to destroy the underworld, but Sha Hua woke up at the last moment, and swallowed Yong Ye with the help of the water of the Forgotten River. Three hundred years later, Sha Hua stayed in the underworld and waited for Manshu's return. In the end, the two were together. Poor The spirit fruit did not survive.