很多朋友对于许魏洲和谁结的婚 被拍到和妻子回京已经当爸了和不太懂,今天就由小编喂妳掉寶暸来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!









【英文介绍/For English】:

In March of this year, Xu Weizhou officially announced the news of his marriage. Recently, gossip media photographed Xu Weizhou and his wife showing up, and both of them have children. Xu Weizhou has become a father. Who did Xu Weizhou marry? Have the two been together for a long time?

In May 2022, Xu Weizhou posted his marriage certificate on social platforms, officially announcing the good news that he was married. This news shocked not only fans, but also many passers-by and netizens. After all, there was no news about Xu Weizhou's love affair on the Internet before, and in a blink of an eye he quietly married his wife, which shows that Xu Weizhou protects his other half very well.

It is reported that Xu Weizhou's wife is an outsider, she should be Xu Weizhou's senior sister in college, named Zhang Shengying, and the two have been dating for four years. But since Xu Weizhou doesn't plan to reveal his wife's identity to the public, there's no need for everyone to delve into it too much. After all, Xu Weizhou's wife is not in the entertainment industry, and he can understand his desire to protect her.

Five months after Xu Weizhou officially announced their marriage, some gossip media captured a video of Xu Weizhou and his wife returning to Beijing together. On the second day after returning to Beijing, Xu Weizhou and his assistant were photographed appearing in the hospital. On the third day, Xu Weizhou's wife also came to the hospital, and the person next to him was holding a child in his arms. Could it be that Xu Weizhou has become a father?

In fact, since the official announcement of marriage, it will be a matter of time to have a baby. Netizens must be surprised that Xu Weizhou did not expect Xu Weizhou to become a father so soon.

In this regard, Xu Weizhou has always been very low-key, and his wife Zhang Shengying is also very low-key, never taking the initiative to show her face on social platforms.

Many fans said that they wish Xu Weizhou to be a father. In addition to being an actor and singer, he will also have the identity of a dad in the future. I hope he can work hard to support his family in the future.

When Xu Weizhou officially announced his marriage, there was already a lot of noise on the Internet. Now that he is a low-key father, he probably doesn't want everyone to pay too much attention to his private life. In short, it is still the same sentence, it is normal for everyone to be married and have children, just wish them well.