



【英文介绍/For English】:

The "Thin Ice" traitor is Little Gold Tooth. The last time Gu Manli sacrificed must have been because of a traitor. After investigation, Xu Dehai confirmed that this person was on the communication line of Brother Longtou, and made a message to catch the traitor. In order to maintain safety, Brother Longtou could not contact anyone.

Wu Ruonan has been following Chen Qian, and Chen Qian inadvertently discovers the trail of Xiao Jinya from the leader's team. Xiao Jinya escaped from the scene of the explosion and went to the Jixiang Bookstore. He also took two things from Brother Longtou to prove his identity, saying that it was Xiaogen who betrayed them. As soon as he came in, two military commanders came in. Brother Longtou died, and Xu Dehai was very sad when he heard the news. The price of getting rid of the traitor was too high. Xu Dehai thought that this matter was still a bit strange, so he asked people to find a way to communicate with Chen Qian.

three hours ago. Xie Dongdong and Brother Longtou were fighting in the house. In fact, the real traitor was Xiao Jinya, who joined Xie Dongdong in order to redeem a prostitute. Brother Longtou rang the bomb, but he didn't expect the real traitor, Xiao Jinya, to escape.