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【英文介绍/For English】:

In a blink of an eye, the 2022 TF Family Summer Games will also meet with you. This time, almost everyone in the TF family participated in the games, including the youngest fourth-generation trainees. Where can I watch the TF Family Summer Games? The sports meeting is the only program in which the TF family can see the second, third and even fourth generations appearing at the same time after the New Year's concert. Naturally, many fans are looking forward to it.

The 2022 TF Family Summer Games can be watched on the TF Family official account at station B. This summer sports meeting is the second time that Shidai Fengjun will hold a family sports meeting after the 2020 Summer Games. The main players participating in the sports meeting include three generations of trainees from the Times Youth League and the TF family, and four generations of children to help out.

In this summer sports meeting, the ages of the members range from 20 to 8 years old, and the age span is very large. It is a rare and lively scene where seniors and brothers compete on the same stage.

Same as the previous rules, it is still divided into two teams to compete. This time Ding Chengxin and Ma Jiaqi will each lead a team. Ding Chengxin's team members include Song Yaxuan, Liu Yaowen, Yan Haoxiang, and three generations of younger brothers Su Xinhao, Zhang Zeyu, Zhang Junhao, Chen Tianrun, Mu Zhi Cheng and Ma Jiaqi's team members include Zhang Zhenyuan, He Junlin, and three generations of younger brothers Zhu Zhixin, Zhang Ji, Zuo Hang, Yu Yuhan, Tong Yukun and Yao Yuchen. Guan Junchen and Wang Hao, the two younger brothers of the fourth generation of the TF family, will serve as dark horses to help the seniors.

The competitions in this summer sports meeting are still very rich, including archery competition, blindfolded name tag tearing, basketball game, water wrestling, swimming relay and so on.

The tradition of the TF Family Games can be traced back to 2017. At that time, several members of the Times Youth League were still children. In a blink of an eye, they have become brothers of other children, especially standing with four generations of children. The Times Youth League is completely Just like an adult.

The TF Family 2022 Summer Games lived up to everyone's expectations. Every event was exciting and enthusiastic. The brothers and sisters also became closer and more familiar with each other during the sports competition. You can see a lot of family love at the games.