






【英文介绍/For English】:

Where is Wanjia Wanjia Group?

1. The Wanjia Group in "Happiness to Ten Thousands" does not exist in Wanjiazhuang in real life. It is a company specially written by the screenwriter for the play. Netizens don't need to be too entangled. Wanjia Group is the trump card company of Wanjiazhuang, relying on it to support many people in Wanjiazhuang.

2. Wang Qinglai's mother still wanted to let Wang Qinglai go to work in Wanjia Group. After all, as a person from Wanjiazhuang, it is very honorable to be able to enter Wanjia Group.

3. The Wanjia Group is indeed very powerful, and it has also made the lives of many villagers more stable.

Happy to Wanjia Greenhouse to make money?

1. The greenhouse of "Happiness to Thousands of Families" did not make money. As soon as He Xingfu and Wang Qinglai rented land and planted vegetables, the village began to acquire land to build a health care product factory sewage plant. He Xingfu's greenhouse was forcibly demolished and tens of thousands of dollars were lost.