






【英文介绍/For English】:

If life is like the first time I met Song Baoquan, is he a good person?

1. Song Baoquan is a good person in "Life Is Like the First Time I See You". Song Baoquan is Qiuhong's quasi-father-in-law and the business tycoon who sent Yang Kaizhi to study abroad. He talks about business and knows how to invest. In a chaotic environment, seeing the people of his country being bullied, he rose up to resist and used money to help revolutionaries.

2. As a businessman, Song Baoquan accepts everything and wants to find stability in the cracks. Unfortunately, the general environment is not good, and Song Baoquan can only choose the most correct path.

3. Song Baoquan took the initiative to approach Qiuhong and other revolutionary parties, invested money for the revolutionary cause, and let his son join the revolution.

Who is Song Baoquan's prototype?

1. Song Baoquan has no prototype in "Life Is Like Seeing You for the First Time", but is a fictional character created by the screenwriter for the play. In the play, Song Baoquan is a businessman and a big boss who invests well. However, in the chaotic environment, Song Baoquan is inspired by the revolutionary spirit of Liangxiang and Qiuhong, and he also joins the revolution.