





【英文介绍/For English】:

Why did Wan Jiaxiuyu sign the agreement when she was so happy?

1. In "Happiness to Thousands of Families", Xiuyu was forced by her mother to sign the confidentiality agreement. Guizhi heard that it had been more than ten years since Xiuyu went to university instead, and now she has no way to return to school, so she considered the compensation issue Wanshantang said.

2. For the sake of money, Wang Xiuyu's mother ignored all of Xiuyu's grievances. The key point was that the money would benefit the two sons and the old couple. Such a choice completely chilled Xiuyu's heart.

How happy is Wan Jiaxiuyu running away from home Episode 1

1. "Happiness to Thousands of Families" Xiuyu ran away from home is the 33rd episode. Xiuyu was forced by her parents to sign an agreement. In Wanjia Group, she was transferred to other posts and her salary was raised. People in the company talked about it.