





【英文介绍/For English】:

Happy to the happiness of all families why not divorce

1. "Happiness to Thousands of Families" Happiness is a contented woman. In addition, when she got married, she was interested in Wang Qinglai. She does not smoke, drink, gamble or play tricks, and Happiness gave birth to a child. For the sake of the child, Happiness will work hard Life.

2. Happiness understands Wang Qing's inner gap when he came to live in the city, and also knows that the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger, but she still hopes that Wang Qinglai can actively correct herself instead of complaining about herself, so she has never divorced.

Happiness to Wanjia Happiness Miscarriage

1. "Happiness to Thousands of Families" happiness has not aborted. Happiness and Wang Qingzhi got pregnant shortly after they got married. Although the pregnancy process went through a land acquisition lawsuit, the heirloom daughter-in-law made trouble, and hemorrhage during childbirth, Happiness gave birth to a boy safely.