






【英文介绍/For English】:

Happiness reaches thousands of families, why does it tell thousands of family members

1. "Happiness to Thousands of Families" is lucky to sue Wan Chuanjia because they want to use legal means to protect their legitimate rights and interests. Lucky originally wanted to use time to forget this pain, but when he met Wan Chuanjia again, he never repented and even came to tease Lucky.

2. In addition, Guan Tao listened to what happened to Lucky and persuaded her to let the bad guys be punished. Now she has escaped the marriage trouble, but the next girl may be suffering from such a thing.

3. Fortunately, I also studied the law, and then decisively took up the law to punish the bad guys.

Happy to ten thousand families lucky to tell ten thousand heirs have succeeded?

1. "Happiness to Ten Thousand Families" successfully sued Wan Chuanjia for molesting women. Lucky was quarreled by Wan Chuanjia and others at the happy wedding, but lucky's clothes were torn and his body was touched.