

1、韩剧《安娜》在韩国Coupang Play平台、韩剧TV、多多视频上可以观看。韩剧《安娜》是一部剧情片,又名《第二个安娜》,靠着偷来的名字,由美从贫穷女子变成了富豪夫人,人生发生了翻天覆地的变化。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Where to watch Korean drama Anna

1. The Korean drama "Anna" can be watched on the Korean Coupang Play platform, Korean drama TV, and Duoduo. The Korean drama "Anna" is a feature film, also known as "Second Anna". Relying on the stolen name, Yumi changed from a poor woman to a rich wife, and her life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

2. Yumi was originally a very ordinary woman. Because of lies, she suffered from school failure, her father died, her mother suffered from dementia, and she was bullied when she became a maid. Life changed and she became a high society girl.

Korean drama Anna update time

1. The Korean drama "Anna" will be updated on June 24, 2022, and 2 episodes will be updated every Friday. "Anna" tells the story of Yumi, who suffers from Ripley's Syndrome, and suffered too much unfair treatment because of poverty. She relied on lies from a poor girl to the pinnacle of her life and became a rich wife.