






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Zhang Haohao Chi Ya Nei a couple?

1. In "Menghualu", Zhang Haohao and Chi Yanei were a couple, but they broke up later. With the appearance of Song Yinzhang, Zhang Haohao's title of No. 1 Oiran in Jingdong is in jeopardy. Chi Yanei also satirized Zhang Haohao. The two broke up and had no contact at all.

2. Chi Ya Nei is a funny partner in "Meng Hua Lu", and Zhang Haohao is a confidante and a couple. Most of the factors are to relieve the loneliness of each other, but it will not delay their understanding of each other.

3. During the quarrel, Chi Ya Nei Zhang said the most sad words to each other, and the young couple broke up completely.

The ending of Zhang Haochi's office

1. In "Menghualu", Zhang Haohao and Chi Yanei did not end up together. After the two broke up, they did not reconcile. Zhang Hao finally chose to marry an ordinary man in Qingzhou and left Tokyo. Chi Yanei opened a restaurant in Tokyo.