






【英文介绍/For English】:

Where is the filming location of the elite

1. The filming location of "The Elite of Breaking Things" is in Wuxi, Jiangsu. "The Elite of Breaking Things" starring Li Jiahang, Guo Guo, etc. will meet you on June 18, 2022.

2. Most of the people who appear in the play are old faces in "Love Apartment". When they act together in a new play, the audience has more expectations.

3. According to some landmark buildings and scenes in the play, we know that the filming location of this play is mainly in Wuxi.

Will there be emotional scenes in the elite of breaking things?

1. Wei Zheng, the screenwriter of "The Elite of Breaking Things", said that there will be no cp in the play, so there should be no emotional scenes in "The Elite of Breaking Things", and even if there is, it is not the main plot.