



3、vegas身为第二家族长子,自出生起就一直被拿来与Kinn 作比较,加上父亲从未关心过他,导致vegas心理扭曲,处处与Kinn作对。



【英文介绍/For English】:

How old is the young gangster who fell in love with me in Vegas?

1. The vegas actor of "Master Gangster Falls in Love with Me" is 25 years old. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of Thammasat University in Thailand.

2. The actor of vegas is Thai actor Vinchapa Samui Tigu, born in 1997, with a height of 175cm. He plays the black-bellied and ruthless young master Vegas in "Master Gangster Falls in Love with Me".

3. As the eldest son of the second family, Vegas has been compared with Kinn since he was born, and his father never cared about him, which caused Vegas to be psychologically distorted and against Kinn everywhere.

The gangster master fell in love with me, Vegas imprisoned Pete, which episode is it?

1. Pete is imprisoned by Vegas in episode 10 of "Master Gangster Falls in Love with Me". Pete is the chief bodyguard of the first family. Kinn suspects that Vegas has leaked family information, so he sends Pete to follow Vegas.