






【英文介绍/For English】:

Why did Qi Mu create the Hat Demon case?

1. In "Menghualu", Qi Mu created the hat demon case to eliminate dissidents, and to allow the government to establish a prince earlier, so as to cut off the power in the queen's hands, so that he can obtain more benefits. Qi Mu is still a means A ruthless and wily man.

2. Qi Mu has always concealed his ambitions and pretended to be a righteous man all day long. In fact, he is a hypocrite who has hurt many innocent people for his own selfish desires.

3. Qi Mu created the hat demon case for his own selfish desires, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He is a very hypocritical person.

What is the relationship between Ouyang Xu and Qi Mu in Menghualu?

1. Ouyang Xu and Qi Mu are partners in "Meng Hua Lu". Ouyang Xu became black after knowing the news of Zhao Pan'er and Gu Qianfan's marriage. Thinking of Zhao Pan'er's behavior of asking him for the picture of the night banquet, he guessed that the picture of the night banquet might have something to do with Gu Qianfan, so he told Qi Mu the news, which was regarded as a way to take refuge in him. Kind of show of favor.