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资源名称:燃烧肯塔基 Burning Kentucky 2019.mp4(2066.99M)

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The son of a sheriff falls in love with runaway bootlegger's daughter in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. After discovering a dark family secret, he is forced to choose between protecting his father or saving the girl he loves。



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17KzUOkKJNY7f0-2MybbKnw

资源名称:燃烧肯塔基 Burning Kentucky 2019.mp4(2066.99M)

?pwd=hxkj 提取码: hxkj
导演: Bethany Brooke Anderson
编剧: Bethany Brooke Anderson
主演: 约翰·派珀-弗格森、Nick McCallum、Nathan Sutton、奥吉·杜克、安迪·昂伯格、查理·比尤利、Emilie Dhir、Dara Jade Tiller、Sydney Bullock、Joshua Dhir、布雷登·惠森亨特
类型: 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2019-07-30(美国)
片长: 91分钟
又名: 炽热肯塔基
The son of a sheriff falls in love with runaway bootlegger's daughter in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. After discovering a dark family secret, he is forced to choose between protecting his father or saving the girl he loves.