






【英文介绍/For English】:

I like you and I am also cu and Beibei together

1. "I Like You, Me Too" cu and Beibei are together, cu confesses "I like you" to Beibei while playing a game, and Beibei replies "me too", the couple is locked.

2. cu and Beibei are a perfect match, cu is mature and stable, he is very rational in dealing with everything, and gives enough sense of security to those around him.

3. Beibei is an exquisite professional woman. She likes a sense of ritual and pays more attention to careful men. cu just meets her criteria for choosing a mate.

I like you and I am also a pairing in the third season finale

Halfway through the third season of "Like You and Me Too", the emotional direction of the guests is also very clear. Among them, Wang Bei and Guo Xiyu, who took the script of the heroine and heroine, are not together. It is reported on the Internet that the two are be. Is it true? It has something to do with the distance. The two discussed the choice of future work and living place in the hut, and their respective wishes are very different.