





【英文介绍/For English】:

Cloister Pavilion Gao Shiyao is a good guy and a bad guy

1. Gao Shiyao in "The Corridor Pavilion" is a good person. Gao Shiyao is Gao Guangyi's younger sister. She married early. She has no bad intentions. It's just that when Gao Guangyi got a cancer distribution inheritance, she thought about it a little bit. Generally speaking, she didn't do anything bad and is a good person.

2. Gao Shiyao's husband is Teng Jun. He is a person with impure thoughts and chasing fame and fortune. After the inheritance was invaded by the illegitimate son, he began to investigate everything about the illegitimate son and Jiang Yuanxing, trying to maximize his own interests.

Who is the screenwriter of The Cloister Pavilion?

1. The screenwriter of "The Corridor Pavilion" is Zhang Shidong. Zhang Shidong is a very talented screenwriter with unique thinking. His works include "Remaining Sin", "Kaifeng Strange Talk", "The Last Room", "Dark Police" and so on, which are deeply loved by fans.