





【英文介绍/For English】:

Did Zhao Pan'er and Gu Qianfan know each other when they were young?

1. Zhao Paner and Gu Qianfan probably knew each other when they were young. Because on the two people's boat from Jiangnan to Tokyo, Zhao Pan'er once lied to the boss that she had eloped with Xiao Fan, the son of the Xiao family, and Xiao Fan was Gu Qianfan's true identity, all of this was not groundless.

2. Gu Qianfan also said that he was betrothed by an elder in his family, and this person was also Zhao Pan'er, and the two had been destined since childhood.

How Zhao Pan'er won Chi Yanei

1. Zhao Pan'er won the Chi Ya Nei because Zhao Pan'er cut the dice with a diamond ring in his hand, so that the dice that could only be 6*6 originally had 37 points. 2. Faced with Zhao Pan'er's behavior, Chi Yanei did not deny it, but admitted defeat, but before leaving, he still asked to see Zhao Pan'er's ring.