





【英文介绍/For English】:

Why is Yi Zhongyu so dragged

1. Yi Zhongyu in "Heirloom" is so attractive because her grandfather is rich and owns shares in the Yi family. In addition, her mother is Yi Xinghua's wife, and Yi Zhongyu is naturally the serious heir.

2. Yi Zhongyu is backed by his grandfather's family, and his identity is justified. Even the small western-style building where Yi's family lives now is her mother's dowry, which is why Yi Zhongyu is not afraid of anything.

Why is Yi Zhongyu not celebrating the Lantern Festival?

1. Yi Zhongyu in "Heirloom" does not celebrate the Lantern Festival because this day is the anniversary of her mother's death. The Lantern Festival is a day for family reunion, and this day is also Yi Zhongxiu's birthday, but no one remembers that it is also the anniversary of the death of Yi Zhongyu's mother.