






【英文介绍/For English】:

Have you found the picture of the night banquet in Meng Hualu?

1. The night banquet picture in "Menghualu" has been found. The painting of the night banquet was originally thought to be at Yang Tongpan's, but later learned that it was in the hands of Zhao Pan'er, but Zhao Pan'er gave it to Ouyang Xu, and Ouyang Xu's painting was given to his teacher by the housekeeper as a gift, so it is said that the painting is at Teacher Ouyang Xu's.

2. Zhao Pan'er and others always thought that the painting was in Ouyang Xu's hands, and Ouyang Xu was holding on to the painting, but Ouyang Xu was also helpless, and it was the housekeeper who gave the painting to the teacher behind his back.

3. Ouyang Xu's teacher has already been demoted. If he wanted the painting back at this time, it would be a bit worse, so he never asked for it.

The ending of Zheng Qingtian's dream

1. Zheng Qingtian in "Meng Hua Lu" committed suicide. Zheng Qingtian's murder of Gu Qianfan violated Xiao Qinyan's taboo, so he ordered him to kill himself, otherwise his family would be implicated, so Zheng Qingtian chose to commit suicide after leaving a suicide note.